
ā€œNiche Me Up, Scottyā€ amplify your impact impact inspired living leadership life transformation

I am sure you caught the Star Trek reference in the title already. However, my knowledge of Star Trek is limited. In fact, it is so limited that I know very little about it. I was born and raised on a different continent, and by the time I learned enough of the English language to understand the...

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Energy Drain, or Energy Gain? amplify your impact health inspired living life transformation

Do you have all the energy you want?
Do you have all the energy you need?

Do you re-CHARGE your batteries and wake up re-FRESHED?
Do you wake up feeling ALIVE?

How do you wake up?
How do you go to bed?

Power up and re-CHARGE, re-NEW, re-FUEL!


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Stop the Busy and Thrive amplify your impact health impact inspired living life transformation

How many times have your heard, or said the phrase “I am so busy!”

How are you doing? – “I am so busy!”

How are you things going? – “I am so busy!”

How is your family? – “So busy!”

Your get the point.

The more we do, the...

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Every Coach Needs a Coach amplify your business amplify your impact impact inspired living life transformation master listening

When you have a coach, you are more impactful in your work, you grow, and become the best-version-of-yourself.

When you get unstuck in life and work, you become more successful and spend more time doing the work you love.

Become a thriving health coach when you are coached!

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Selfless Self-Care amplify your impact health inspired living life transformation

If self-care selfish, or selfless?

Give to your ‘self’ first.

You become more impactful, more effective. When you take care of your self, you have more to give.

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Choose Meaning, Not Happiness amplify your impact health inspired living life transformation mind

Choose meaning.

It is the pursuit of meaning that leads us to live fully, engage fully, and impact others fully.

Happiness is the result of engaging fully.

Meaning is a choice, and so is happiness.

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Your Whole Self at Work amplify your impact impact inspired living leadership life transformation

It is not always WHAT you do, it is HOW you bring your whole self to what you do.

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The Myth of Life-Work Balance amplify your impact impact inspired living life transformation

Do you believe in life-work balance?

How do you define work? To me work = action.

Life and work are one of the same. It is your life’s work.

We spend more than half of our waking hours working.

You better love the way you engage in life!

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Follow the Heart in Your Lifeā€™s Work amplify your impact inspired living life transformation niche

In some cultures, the heart is viewed as “the brain”.

I believe mind and body connection must integrate the heart.

Our decision are often made in the heart. Open up the heart and you gain clarity in life. When you follow the heart, you follow your life’s work, you are doing your...

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What is a NICHE [nĭch, nēsh]? amplify your impact impact inspired living life transformation niche

Blend your gifts and passions to “define your niche”

NICHE [nÄ­ch, nēsh] – lifework, true calling, karma (life’s great work), dharma, craft, gig, mission, pursuit, work, walk of life, path, your way, focus…

Having a focus.

Having a speciality.

Having an absolute...

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Live on purpose, NOT your purpose amplify your impact health inspired living life transformation niche

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

– Howard Thurman

Living with intention.

I don’t really believe in the idea of having one purpose that you have to discover,...

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